For lawyers

Fast and affordable legal assistance to fellow attorneys from our subject matter specialist. Using online conveniences, we work quickly and at an affordable, upfront price. Our platform has the capacity and a specialist in every major area of law. So we are ready to take a case to its desired conclusion that you cannot pursue now as an attorney, either because of time or subject matter.

About Dostupný advokát

We are a team of experienced attorneys and other legal specialists who take full advantage of the communication conveniences of modern times. We can thus provide legal advice to people from all over the Czech Republic around the clock – flexibly and at an affordable price. Without compromising our expertise. More about Dostupný advokát

We have the capacity to handle the case quickly.
We deal with all areas of law.
We work online and at a clearly set price.
Náš tým

Just a few years ago, providing legal services online seemed like utopia. But we believe that having easy access to a lawyer means an open path to justice for everyone. Our services are not just for clients, but also for attorneys and other fellow practitioners. We can help them too with resolving their case. We have spare capacity that we would like to use to streamline the distribution of legal aid so that it reaches everyone who currently needs it. We provide legal services to more than a hundred clients a month.

Ondřej Preuss
Judr. Ondřej Preuss, Ph.D.,
lawyer and founder Dostupný advokát

What can we help you with?

Has a lack of capacity, conflict of interest, different legal specialism or other specific reason led you to be unable to provide a legal service to a client? Clearly, even in such a case, you have an interest in ensuring that your client receives the best possible representation.

What can an Accessible Lawyer guarantee you?

How does Dostupný advokát Work?

Only a few clicks to solve your legal issues.


How does Dostupný advokát Work?

1. Send Your Order

Choose the service that works best for you. Pay immediately, or after completion of service. Discount for immediate payment.

2. Describe Your Problem

Describe your legal problem in a secure web environment. Attach any necessary documents or files.

3. Call Your Attorney

A specialist from our legal team will call you to speak about possible solutions.

4. Receive an Answer

A specialist from our legal team will email you with a solution, including all necessary paperwork.

We are not afraid of any challenges.
We have the capacity!

Will you come with us? Just fill in the form and a responsible lawyer from our team will contact you immediately to arrange the details.

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    We can also solve your legal problem

    In person and online. Just choose the appropriate service or opt for an independent consultation when you are unsure.

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    +420 775 420 436
    (Mo–Fri: 8–18)
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