Donation of real estate

Donating or receiving real estate is a big step in life. We’ll help you make it happen so that you don’t miss out. We will prepare a complete contractual and legal service for you, including the donation contract, registration in the Land Registry and taxes. We can do it within 48 hours, flawlessly and professionally.

Show offer


Basic service version

6.700 CZKVAT included
  • Drawing up or checking a gift agreement
  • Preparation of the proposal for the entry of the ownership right into the Land Register
  • Assessing the amount of gift tax
  • Preparation of an easement agreement for the peaceful life of the donor
  • Consultation with an attorney 30 minutes
  • Solution processing within 4 days




Extended version + tax and easement

8.700 CZKVAT included
  • Drawing up or checking a gift agreement
  • Preparation of the proposal for the entry of the ownership right into the Land Register
  • Assessing the amount of gift tax
  • Preparation of an easement agreement for the peaceful life of the donor
  • Consultation with a lawyer 60 minutes
  • Solution processing within 48 hours


Money Back Guarantee!

If you are not satisfied, we will refund your money.

More on the guarantee
Deferred Payment

You can choose to pay after completion of services.

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Donation of real estate

from 6.700 CZK solution within 48 hours Order
Preset Prices
When you order, you know what you will get and how much it will cost.
Online and in person
We handle everything online or in person at one of our 5 offices.
We Work Fast
We handle 8 out of 10 requests within 2 working days.
Experienced Team
We have specialists for every field of law.

Who will be attending to you

Mgr. Marek Svobodný

13 years of experience

I like it when the transfer of the property goes well and a mutually beneficial contract can be agreed. On the other hand, I don’t like the various tricks that sometimes try to take advantage of the buyers’ ignorance.

Mgr. Kristýna Knapešová

5 years of experience

I pride myself on clear and transparent communication. This way, the client always knows the status of the case, where the case is heading and what the next legal steps will be. The client’s expectations are much better.

What we can do for you when you donate your property

At Dostupný advokát we have legal experts who have long specialised in property law. We help several hundred clients each year to make sure their property donation goes smoothly and without legal hitches.

You will particularly appreciate our legal services in the following cases:

  • You don’t want to deal with complicated paperwork.
  • You don’t know how much and how to pay gift tax.
  • You plan to donate real estate, including a cooperative share (cooperative apartment).
  • You want to avoid revocation of the gift due to ingratitude.
  • You are concerned about the entry in the Land Registry.

What inconveniences you will be spared thanks to our legal services:

  • You will not sign a contract containing errors (wrong identification of the property, missing details, donor’s mistake).
  • You will prevent problems that would lead to the invalidity of the gift contract.
  • You will prevent the rejection of the contract by the Land Registry.
  • You will avoid delays at the Land Registry and unnecessary fees.
  • You will prevent the possible loss of the property due to an incorrect entry.

We can help with tax

We will set up the donation process for you so that you pay the lowest possible tax. We’ll also advise you on how to pay the tax properly.

Gift deed for property

We will draw up or check the deed of gift for the property within 2 days. And we can do it online

If the donation of an apartment, house, land or garage is to be done to the satisfaction of both the donor and the donee, you need a quality donation contract. We will prepare it for you within 48 hours, and we can handle everything online. The result is a document whose legal flawlessness is guaranteed by an experienced real estate law specialist.

We can also help you in cases where something is legally binding

A more complex situation can arise with real estate that is encumbered by:

  • an easement or servitude of the apartment (for example, for parents or grandparents),
  • a lease (for example, for the current tenant), a lien.

We have extensive experience with these cases as well and we will always propose the most elegant solution. We will prepare agreements for the establishment of the above rights as well as other specific agreements, such as the transfer of several properties at once.

Tip: download the free e-book: How to buy or sell property without risk.

We will arrange registration in the Land Registry at the first time

Thanks to our legal services, you will not end up losing your donated apartment like Mrs. Kamila due to a wrongly filed application for registration in the Land Registry. We will also help you with the registration in the Land Registry, so that you do not wait unnecessarily and pay fees like Mr. Karel because of mistakes.

Anonymous contract templates downloaded from the internet can get expensive

Do you tell yourself that you don’t need professional help with a property purchase contract because the internet is full of such contracts? Just look up a sample purchase agreement for an apartment, land, commercial space or garage and you can sign… But the quality of such anonymous templates is usually poor and the consequences of a poorly drafted contract can be disastrous. A contract drafted or reviewed by a attorney specializing in real estate law will effectively protect you from unpleasant surprises. Learn how to gift real estate properly.

At Dostupný advokát, we have experienced legal experts and guarantee the correctness of all contracts under the New Civil Code.

Trust the experts

Month after month, we solve the donation of dozens of properties. In terms of volume and expertise, we are one of the foremost experts in the field of real estate donation in the Czech Republic. We most often deal with gifts of real estate from grandparents and parents to children and grandchildren or gifting real estate between spouses.We ensure that the entire process goes smoothly and without negative tax implications for the donor or donee. When it comes to gift agreements, you are in the best hands with us.

Reviews of the Dostupný advokát service

Recenze služby
Internet Portal Designer

Filip Rufer, Prague

Dostupný advokát updated the terms of a contract for our web portal, to insure that they were in strict accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The entire process was done online and for reasonable price.

Recenze služby

Jan Sekanina, Prague

My grandparents wanted to give me an apartment, but I was extremely busy at the time and couldn’t afford to put any time into finding out what I needed to do. I also had no idea how to get the transfer of ownership handled at the Land Registry. Dostupný advokát arranged everything for me, and the apartment transfer was legally arranged with no issues. Thank you and thumbs up!

Recenze služby

Jitka Salačová, Praha 6 – Řepy

In 2016 our Homeowner Association faced an unexpected event which led to the need for legal help. We reviewed many professional legal services, and chose Dostupný advokát because they remain available for contact practically anytime, without charging extra for being outside work hours. In addition, Mr. Preuss is available to speak with by phone, email and Skype, and he never fails to be respectable and discrete. We can confidently confirm the excellent quality of his service, loyalty and availability online.

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How does Dostupný advokát Work?

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How does Dostupný advokát Work?

1. Send Your Order

Choose the service that works best for you. Pay immediately, or after completion of service. Discount for immediate payment.

2. Describe Your Problem

Describe your legal problem in a secure web environment. Attach any necessary documents or files.

3. Call Your Attorney

A specialist from our legal team will call you to speak about possible solutions.

4. Receive an Answer

A specialist from our legal team will email you with a solution, including all necessary paperwork.

When is this service not suitable?

Tailored Solution

We can help you solve any legal problem.

Are you facing a legal problem that you don’t know how to deal with and that doesn’t fit any of our services? Describe your situation to us, we will assess it, evaluate all the risks and propose the best solution.

  • Fixed price proposal within 24 hours
  • A lawyer will call you, explain the procedure and answer your questions
  • You will also receive the output in text form by email

690 CZK VAT included

Service detail

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