Have you inherited a share in a house or cottage? Do you own a piece of land together with the rest of the family? Or have you bought a share in a property at an auction and are thinking of settling your co-ownership?
Have you inherited a share in a house or cottage? Do you own a piece of land together with the rest of the family? Or have you bought a share in a property at an auction and are thinking of settling your co-ownership?
We will prepare for you a fast and efficient settlement of the co-ownership so that it is as advantageous as possible for everyone involved, and especially for you.
Shared ownership most often occurs between relatives, whether it has arisen as part of an inheritance or perhaps donation. Sometimes the situation can be simple: you rent out the inherited studio apartment and split the rent with your sister. But other times, one of the co-owners prefers to sell or be paid out, or, conversely, seeks sole ownership and a legal settlement needs to be drafted. Lawfully complex agreements probably please no-one, but when emotions are added to the mix and there is a threat of disruption to the kinship relationship, then it becomes a headache. Most clients therefore appreciate being able to pass on the resolution of these types of problems to an impartial professional who can resolve the matter quickly yet sensitively.
I like it when the transfer of the property goes well and a mutually beneficial contract can be agreed. On the other hand, I don’t like the various tricks that sometimes try to take advantage of the buyers’ ignorance.
I pride myself on clear and transparent communication. This way, the client always knows the status of the case, where the case is heading and what the next legal steps will be. The client’s expectations are much better.
During our many years of practice, we have helped people in a variety of situations:
In our practice we have handled many cases related to the division of co-ownership. There are always multiple solutions, and each time the needs of the individual co-owners, their preferences regarding the division, as well as the actual form of the property in co-ownership must be considered. The various options may include:
As it is clear from the above examples, the settlement of co-ownership very often cannot be solved by “mere” application of the law, but the complex structure of family relationships must be taken into account in advance. This often has wider implications for the resolution of a given situation. That is why we consult with our clients every step of the way and proceed with the solution as sensitively as possible so that our approach does not cause further escalation of the relationship.
In 2016 our Homeowner Association faced an unexpected event which led to the need for legal help. We reviewed many professional legal services, and chose Dostupný advokát because they remain available for contact practically anytime, without charging extra for being outside work hours. In addition, Mr. Preuss is available to speak with by phone, email and Skype, and he never fails to be respectable and discrete. We can confidently confirm the excellent quality of his service, loyalty and availability online.
I decided to withdraw from my operating lease prematurely and was charged a ridiculously high penalty, apparently because the car had been sold for a significantly lower price than its market value. I found it frustrating, so I turned to Dostupný advokát for help. They got to work on the case very fast and recommended several options on how to proceed. They also helped me prepare all necessary documentation. Thanks to them, I had to pay only a fraction of the original amount and saved tens of thousands of Crowns.
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