“A good contract is a prerequisite for a deal” – podcast

Ondřej Preuss, founder of the online service Available Lawyer and an expert in constitutional law, visited the Mezi Proudy podcast, where he was interviewed by Ondřej Fér and Petr Nutil. The topics discussed included the legitimacy of power, democracy and bureaucracy, as well as the accessibility and enforceability of law. What was also said in the podcast?

Ondřej Preuss v podcastu Mezi proudy
Mgr. Nikola Šedová
10. 5. 2023
3 minutes of reading

The initial query related to the possible questioning of the valid existence of the state, which, according to fringe theories, sometimes occurs. According to Ondřej Preuss, this is a manifestation of a kind of disillusionment of a part of the population. Similarly, the judiciary is also questioned, although the current reality is that new and capable judges are entering the judiciary. What often matters for such questioning attitudes is how one perceives reality and how one feels about it, not what it really is based on the facts. Also, sometimes a situation only becomes real when people start to think it is real, which is explained by Thomas’s famous theorem.

Many of the phenomena that we perceive today as something completely new that we have to confront, however, have already existed here for a long time, albeit perhaps in different forms and to a different degree. One example is the much-discussed fake news, which has been around in various forms since time immemorial.

Accessible and enforceable law

According to Preuss, law is one of the first areas where people succumb to disillusionment. Therefore, one of the essential challenges of our time is the challenge of the rule of law, especially in the form of accessibility of law. This is because there are a huge number of legal matters that may not be of interest to ordinary law firms from a business perspective, and therefore the availability of legal services may not be fully there for them.

Closely related to this is the notion of enforceability of the law. If the state does not allow enforcement of its rules, then the availability of law will not be sufficient. It is therefore necessary to create a system that is both effective and motivates people to solve problems.

Artificial intelligence as a challenge for contemporary society

When it comes to current challenges, the issue of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on everything around us cannot be ignored. According to Preuss, this brings us back to the aforementioned issues such as fake news and deep fakes. AI will also play an essential role in terms of the legal business and journalism and trust in it.

Preuss points out that on the one hand, thousands of people are being replaced by new technologies. On the other hand, we can expect that there will still be lawyers, journalists and consultants. People want to solve their problems with specific people and as a rule do not look for a universal model solution, because that does not always work 100% of the time. In some respects, therefore, artificial intelligence cannot replace human abilities.

What does Accessible Advocate offer?

Finally, a question was asked about the current offer of the Accessible Advocate service. With its help, a number of legal situations can be resolved, whether they are ordinary legal transactions such as real estate transfers or really serious legal disputes in which the client needs help. However, the Available Lawyer website also serves a preventive function for clients who are not currently dealing with any legal problem. As Ondřej Preuss pointed out in his conclusion, being able to prepare for possible future situations, either by obtaining information or by drawing up a good contract, is a good basis for avoiding problems.

You can listen to the full interview on Spotify.

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