Dostupný advokát is the law firm of the year 2023

Dostupný advokát was named Law Firm of the Year in the retail services category. We were awarded the title as part of the Law Firm of the Year Awards organised by Lawyers & Business magazine. For the first time in the history of Czech advocacy, an alternative legal services provider that sells and provides legal services (almost) exclusively in the online space was awarded.

Mgr. Nikola Šedová
16. 5. 2023
4 minutes of reading

Groundbreaking award for online advocacy services

The organisers of the Lawyers and Business Awards have recognised the pioneering approach to legal service delivery that Accessible Lawyer offers, as well as the openness in sharing performance data.

Our legal service delivery is based on a number of core pillars, which are: online client interaction, transparent pricing policy and enforcement of fixed rates, substantial speed improvements in the delivery of legal services, immediate client feedback and the use of modern technology.

“We consider the award to be a major breakthrough in the history of Czech advocacy. A few years ago, the provision of legal services online seemed like a utopia. For some, the idea was even ridiculous. But we believed that having easy access to a lawyer meant an open path to law and justice for everyone. For us, the title of Retail Law Firm of the Year means that our innovation in providing legal services is beginning to be appreciated by the traditionally conservative legal community. In our opinion, this is a major breakthrough in the perception of how legal services should and could be provided,” says Ondřej Preuss, founder of Dostupný advokát.

Zakladatelé Ondřej Preuss a Jaroslav Baier přebírají cenu (foto v článku A11, Daniel Hromada)

“The essence of our service is the deployment of modern technologies that allow us to break down barriers between attorney and client. In three clicks an order is placed and the site then guides the client through a secure online system. The problem of administration is eliminated and the order is efficiently proceeded straight to. The matter is then handled online by an experienced and specialized attorney who resolves it quickly,” adds Ondřej Preuss.

We are seeing an increase in both visitors and sales

Last year, the revenues of Available Advocate increased by 20% to CZK 15 million. More than 90% of client requests are resolved by the Accessible Advocate team within two days. Thanks to the provision of online legal services, DA services are also increasingly used by Czechs living abroad, with almost 10% of all requests from outside the Czech Republic in 2022, including Seychelles, the USA, the Netherlands, the UK, Ukraine, Germany and India.

The website was visited by more than 100,000 users every month in 2022, 40% more than in 2021, which, among other things, makes it one of the three most visited legal media in the Czech Republic. DA’s team of ten experienced attorneys and legal specialists handled nearly 3,000 legal cases throughout the year.

Bringing key innovations

The key innovations brought by the Accessible Lawyer that will have an increasingly strong impact on the legal services market in the country:

  • Transparent pricing and the promotion of fixed rates for resolving a task at the expense of the traditional hourly rate. This is a fundamentally unique model, as most attorneys still charge on an hourly basis;
  • deployment of technology (a unique system that eliminates paperwork);
  • pressure to increase speed in the delivery of legal services (speed is and will be one of the most important competitive advantages);
  • stronger impact of feedback from (primarily dissatisfied) clients – it is very easy to express a complaint or just throw a “hate”, this leads to pressure for good communication and strengthens the quality of the service provided, as any negative feedback expressed typically on Google or FCB has the potential to deter many others – potential customers);
  • increased competition (one “national” market for legal services is created, which has so far been the case only to a limited extent, as B2C legal services are mainly provided locally – the business of lawyers works on referrals);
  • high specialisation and expertise of lawyers;
  • making legal services cheaper (with increased deployment of technology and further automation, the overall price of already quite cheap legal services will become even cheaper, e.g. because a lot of primarily administrative work is no longer done by humans but by artificial intelligence).

The accessible lawyer uses the online environment for the provision of legal services in an innovative way so that the client can get advice quickly and efficiently on everyday issues relating to real estate, family, employment, business, criminal and other types of law.

For more information on this year’s awards, please visit the Lawyers and Business website.

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Reviews of the Dostupný advokát service

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Ms Magic, Google reviews

Fast and professional solutions for most normal legal needs at affordable, preset prices. Seriously, what could be better than that? While it sounds ‘too good to be true,’ I’m happy to report that the staff at DA are pros, and what’s more they are honestly dedicated to their awesome mission, which is to make quality Fast and professional solutions for most normal legal needs at affordable, preset prices. Seriously, what could be better than that? While it sounds ‘too good to be true,’ I’m happy to report that the staff at DA are pros, and what’s more they are honestly dedicated to their awesome mission, which is to make quality legal services affordable for the average person. I find their prices very fair when compared to what I’ve usually paid for similar services, which means I (and my family and friends) can get the legal help I need without worrying about some black hole of never-ending fees. In my own experience with DA I’ve found everyone there very responsive, and emails and calls are answered in a timely manner. Their large staff also gives me confidence that any legal needs I have can be handled professionally, as there’s always someone with experience in my particular issue. Their head attorney also writes a regular blog and keeps up with all the latest legal trends, which means they as a business stay up-to-date. As someone who’s spent a fortune over the years on legal assistance, or tried to “go it alone” when I couldn’t afford legal help, I wish Dostupny Advokat had been around a long time ago. I highly encourage anyone who needs legal help to TRY THEM FIRST!

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Tomáš Hrdlička, Nové Strašecí

I felt very uncomfortable meeting an attorney in person. But Dostupný advokát managed to solve everything for me online. I bought a consultation because my employer had sent me for a long term business trip to an exotic country with no explanation, and I wanted to be sure what my rights in this situation were. The Skype consultation was very pleasant and the service was fast. I can fully recommend them.

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Fitness Center Manager

Zuzana Marková, Prague

We had terms and conditions drafted for our gym, and now we are very glad that we did so. Clear relationship rules are the basis for lasting friendships, and never more so than in the business world!

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