What is an investment fund?
It is a collective investment vehicle that allows us all to manage our invested money effectively. An investment fund is a type of financial instrument that allows investors to pool their money and invest it in different assets – stocks, bonds, real estate or commodities. An investment fund is also a legal entity, most often a joint stock company.
The advantage of this type of investment is therefore the diversification of the portfolio, as well as the professional management by fund managers who have the expertise to warn you in good time of potential risks and advise you on how to spread your investment.
In addition to the fund manager, there is also a fund administrator who takes care of valuation and overall trading management. Then the company’s board of directors, or trustees, who are tasked with protecting the assets and making sure the investment fund complies with all laws. And then the shareholders themselves, the ones who own the assets in the fund, are an integral part of it.
What types of investment funds are there?
- Equity funds: they invest in shares of different companies.
- Bond funds: They focus on investing in bonds.
- Mixed funds: combine stocks and bonds.
- Commodity funds: Invest in commodities such as gold or oil.
- Real estate funds: Focus on investments in real estate.
- Index funds: Aim to replicate the performance of an index (e.g. S&P 500).
- Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs): They trade on an exchange like stocks.
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What is the difference between the main types of funds?
The most commonly used types are the equity fund and the mutual fund. Equity funds then specialise only in investing in shares of different companies. They are generally riskier because there is not as much portfolio diversification as with investment funds. However, the higher risk is offset by potentially higher returns.
Mutual funds are a subset of investment funds. Mutual funds are managed by investment companies and do not have their own legal personality. Investors place their funds in them in exchange for units. The holders of the units are then called unit-holders. Mutual funds can again invest in different assets such as shares, bonds, currencies or commodities.
What is the legal framework for investment funds?
The main legislation governing investment funds in the Czech Republic is the Investment Companies and Investment Funds Act. This Act harmonises Czech legislation with European collective investment regulations such as the UCITS and AIFMD. The legal relations between investors and fund managers would also be found in the Civil Code. Tax laws then regulate how the income from investment funds should be taxed.
The legal regulation of investment funds, mutual funds and investment companies is complex and constantly evolving. Changes are expected in the regulation of alternative investment funds and the strengthening of retail investor protection. In addition, the European Union is preparing further amendments to the UCITS and AIFMD directives, which may also have an impact on the Czech market.
How to set up and manage an investment fund
If someone decides to set up an investment fund, the first thing that must happen is that the investment plan must be approved by the Czech National Bank. The founders of the fund must submit an application for registration of the fund to the Czech National Bank, providing information on the investment strategy, the type of fund and its organisational structure.
The second step is the appointment of the investment fund manager. Every investment fund must have one. This can be either the investment company itself or an external manager. The manager provides investment management and administrative administration of the fund, and its activities are supervised by the Czech National Bank.
A depositary must then be appointed. Every investment fund must have one and it can be a bank or other financial institution approved by the Czech National Bank. The depositary is responsible for controlling the management of the fund, managing the assets and protecting the interests of investors. It is responsible for ensuring that all transactions are carried out in accordance with the fund’s statutes and applicable legislation.
Then comes the publication of the fund’s statutes. This important document contains details of the fund’s investment strategy, its objectives, risk profile, fee structure and other key aspects of the fund’s operation. The fund’s statutes must be made publicly available and changes to them must always be approved by the Czech National Bank.
Finally, it is sufficient to attract investors and start operations. The fund can do this once all legal requirements have been met.
Who protects investors and supervises investment funds?
The main institution that supervises investment companies is the Czech National Bank. Its task is to ensure the protection of investors and it has several mechanisms at its disposal to do so:
- Transparency: investment companies are obliged to publish regular reports, annual reports and data on their performance and the risks of individual investments.
- Asset diversification: regulation makes it impossible to concentrate investments in a single asset or sector, so investors are protected from a high risk of loss.
- Supervision of investment fund managers: the Czech National Bank also monitors the activities of fund managers, their financial stability and compliance with legal obligations.
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Tip: Are you an employee? Then maybe your company has an ESOP, an employee incentive plan that represents a percentage of the company’s profits. Learn more about this money-making option.