The pitfalls of working in the black

You’ll finally find a job. Everything looks promising, but instead of a contract, your employer wants to make a deal with you to give you money directly in hand.

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Working under the table is no mean feat and often both the employee and the employer overlook the potential long-term risks.

A fine of up to CZK 100,000

As an employee, you can be fined up to CZK 100,000 if the labour inspectorate finds out. If the employee tries to avoid this fine and, for example, tries to conceal his or her identity, he or she can be fined up to CZK 200,000 just for that.

The employer faces up to CZK 10 million

However, the employer may be worse off. Although the Constitutional Court has already abolished the lower minimum limit of CZK 250,000, the upper limit still remains CZK 10 million.

In addition to fines imposed by the authorities, more problems can arise.

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You can’t collect wages owed

The most common problem can be employer dishonesty. You will be working without any contract, you will get the money in hand, but it may happen that the pay will be delayed more and more often until it is clear that it will never be paid. In that case, you have no way of recovering your money. The employer is relying on the employee to prove nothing, plus they will be afraid of a fine from the labour inspectorate. It pays to have a signed employment contract.

An accident at work is up to you

Another disadvantage is the risk of work-related accidents. The employer should be responsible for the accident insurance of his regular employee. However, if this relationship is not confirmed by contract, the insurance will not cover the injured worker.

Illegal work does not count towards retirement

If you do not have a proper employment contract, you must pay for your own health insurance. No one is forcing him to contribute to his pension or sick leave. This won’t show up immediately, but it can be very painful if there is any problem.

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Author of the article

JUDr. Ondřej Preuss, Ph.D.

Ondřej is the attorney who came up with the idea of providing legal services online. He's been earning his living through legal services for more than 10 years. He especially likes to help clients who may have given up hope in solving their legal issues at work, for example with real estate transfers or copyright licenses.

  • Law, Ph.D, Pf UK in Prague
  • Law, L’université Nancy-II, Nancy
  • Law, Master’s degree (Mgr.), Pf UK in Prague
  • International Territorial Studies (Bc.), FSV UK in Prague

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