What are trade unions
Trade unions are organisations that are supposed to represent and protect the interests of workers in various non-industrial sectors, industries or professions. The main purpose of unions is to negotiate with employers on working conditions, wages, workplace safety and other work-related issues. Their main objective is to ensure fair and safe working conditions for their members through collective bargaining and other forms of representation.
Some unions also conduct research on the labour market, economic trends and social issues in order to better understand the situation of workers and to represent their interests more effectively. Finally, they often offer their members legal advice, support in resolving labour conflicts and information on workers’ rights and obligations.
Now let’s take a look at the specific trade unions operating in the Czech Republic that interest you the most.
School unions
Czech school unions are represented by the Czech-Moravian Trade Union of Education Workers. It mainly brings together education employees, pensioners and the unemployed who have worked in the education sector. Among their main points of mission are defending the rights of members and advocating their demands to state authorities and employers. They also aim to improve the working and living conditions of their members, to provide legal assistance and advice, and to monitor occupational health and safety.
School unions are among the most active in the country. We can thus associate them with a number of strikes they have organised in the past. The strike of 27 November last year is a case in point. It lasted for a whole day and concerned secondary, primary and nursery schools. Its aim was to increase the budget in the Czech education system and to increase the salaries of non-teaching staff, such as janitors, cleaners and cooks in school canteens.
Health Departments
The Healthcare Trade Union is represented by the Health and Social Work Union of the Czech Republic. It brings together people who work in health and social services and students and staff of schools focusing on the education of health and social workers. Their main activities include protecting the rights of union members and fair pay. This is done through collective bargaining leading to collective agreements.
Health unions have long been working to improve working conditions for health workers and to increase salaries. In recent years, health unions have repeatedly engaged in protests against excessive overtime in the health sector. In addition, the union offers its members counselling, bargaining assistance, education, entertainment, sports and culture. It also includes a provident fund to help union members in the event of difficult life situations.
Health unions are also among the most active in the Czech Republic and regularly advocate for pay increases and improved working conditions for their members. For example, they are currently actively working on increasing overtime in the health care sector. Last year, health unions successfully negotiated a pay rise for doctors. Membership in health unions provides not only legal protection but also the opportunity for training and other benefits.
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Police Departments
Police unions defend the rights of Police officers and actively seek to increase their pay.
The police unions are mainly represented by the Independent Trade Union of the Police of the Czech Republic. It is intended for members or employees of the security forces, police school or police academy, as well as employees of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice. Police unions have been involved in negotiations to amend the Service Act to ensure better working conditions for their members.
The Department provides legal representation in the field of service and employment relations as well as private legal advice. It also provides indemnity insurance, life insurance, travel insurance and social assistance for its members. In addition, it offers other complementary services and activities. Membership in police unions allows police officers greater access to legal protection and other benefits.
The current agenda is primarily focused on strengthening the security force, increasing the Police budget along with funds for food allowances and increasing the income of officers by at least 10%.
Trade Union of Trade Workers
The Shopworkers’ Union protects workers in retail chains and logistics centres. The trade workers are mainly organised by the UZO, or the Union of Trade, Logistics and Service Employees. The trade workers’ union’s activities consist of collective bargaining with the Confederation of Trade and Tourism of the Czech Republic and individual employers to ensure adequate working and wage conditions for its members. They also provide education, counselling, legal assistance and representation in court.
The trade union has long advocated for the introduction of days off for employees during public holidays, which is common abroad, but in our country shop employees often have to work despite public holidays.
Business Unions
Business unions focus on protecting tradespeople and small businesses from excessive bureaucracy and tax burdens.
Business unions, or UIBs , bring together all kinds of entrepreneurs to defend attacks on business freedom, prevent the expansion of bureaucracy, increase the obligations of entrepreneurs and limit their rights. In summary, their aim is therefore primarily to prevent state interference in free enterprise.
For example, business trade unions spoke out against restrictions on business activity during the covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, business trade unions participated in discussions on changes to the tax system and the abolition of compulsory electronic sales registration. Business unions also frequently work with legislative bodies on pro-business bills.
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Mining unions
Mining unions protect the rights of workers in the mining industry and regularly negotiate collective agreements.
The association of miners’ unions consists of a total of 9 constituent organisations. The main activities include negotiating collective agreements, legal advice for members and monitoring workplace safety. The association is also a member of the broader Mining, Geology and Petroleum Workers’ Union.
The union played a particularly important role during the period of mine and power plant closures, negotiating smooth layoffs and government compensation for its members. In recent years, the miners’ union has been involved in workplace safety issues and the reduction of occupational hazards in mines. Miners’ unions have been involved in negotiations on the restructuring of the mining industry and the future of coal mines.
The miners’ unions also provide legal advice to their members and help resolve labour disputes.
Is it worth being a union member?
Being a member of a workers’ union can have a number of advantages and disadvantages, depending on your particular situation and work sector. In general, however, the advantages and disadvantages include the following:
Advantages of a union
- Collective bargaining: as has been mentioned several times, unions negotiate collective agreements in which they can secure better wages, working conditions and other benefits. As individual employees, you would be hard pressed to achieve such results.
- Legal protection: unions provide legal protection for members in the event of disputes with their employer, including unfair dismissal or discrimination. Some unions also offer legal advice in other areas, including private life.
- Job security: Unions work to ensure job stability for their members and protect them from sudden dismissal.
- Social and health benefits: Union members often have access to better social and health benefits, such as life and health insurance.
- Solidarity and support: Unions offer their members contacts and support. They are often the only organisations where workers can come together, share their experiences and support each other.
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Disadvantages of unions
- Union dues: union membership requires paying dues, which can be financially challenging for some. In the Czech Republic, it is 1% of net wages.
- Potential conflicts: Relations between unions and management can sometimes be strained, which can lead to labour strikes or other forms of protest that can have a short-term negative impact on workers. Conversely, strikes are sometimes the only way for workers to get their demands met.
- Limited flexibility: Some union contracts may limit the ability of workers to bargain individually with their supervisors over specific aspects of their work.
- Political and economic pressures: Unions often engage in political lobbying or activities that some members may not agree with. In addition, in some cases, unions may face economic pressures that may affect their ability to protect the interests of their members.
- Level of representation: Some members may feel that their specific needs or issues are not adequately represented or addressed by the union.