Financial arbitrator: resolving disputes between customers and financial institutions

JUDr. Ondřej Preuss, Ph.D.
7. October 2024
14 minutes of reading
14 minutes of reading
Other legal issues

Have you lost an absolutely certain investment? Did your insurance company not pay you the promised benefits? Were you charged for a payment you didn’t make? The company you used for these services is not cooperating? You don’t have to go to court right away. Contact a financial arbitrator instead. In this article, we’ll tell you what a financial arbitrator is, how they make decisions, and how they can help you resolve a dispute with a financial institution.

What is a financial arbitrator?

A financial arbitrator is a non-judicial body that specialises in the out-of-court resolution of disputes in the field of finance and financial services. Its main function is to adjudicate disputes between consumers and financial institutions relating to credit, investments, insurance, etc.

The financial arbitrator operates independently of the judicial system. This is to ensure its objectivity and impartiality in resolving disputes. At the same time, it decides only at the request of the consumer, not on its own and not at the request of a financial institution.

Its activities are regulated by the Financial Arbitrator Act. This law defines his duties, the rights and obligations of the parties to the dispute vis-à-vis the financial arbitrator, the course of the proceedings, the nature of the decision or the possibility of imposing a fine.

You want to file a lawsuit after all?

Not sure if you’ll win? We will assess your chances of success in court and propose a solution that will lead to the desired outcome.

Why did the arbitrator come into being?

The Financial Arbitrator was created in 2003 in response to the unification of local law with EU law, as the EU recommended before our accession that we ensure the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution in money transfers. It wanted to ensure that consumers could have recourse to a special body (in addition to the traditional courts) in the event of disputes with financial institutions.

Tip na článek

Tip: European Union law can be a rather controversial topic. It touches all sorts of parts of our lives and affects many areas of our national law. How much power does the EU have and on what principles does EU law work? Find out in our article.

Organisational structure of the arbitrator

The Financial Arbitrator and his/her deputies are appointed by the Government on the proposal of the Minister of Finance for a five-year term of office. Since 2011, this function has been performed by Mgr. Monika Nedelková, who has already been appointed three times. Her deputy is Mgr. Lukáš Vacek. The deputy represents the arbitrator and, in his absence and to the full extent of his powers and duties.

The arbitrator has the duty to perform his/her duties independently and impartially and is accountable to the Government for the performance of his/her duties. The annual report submitted to the Chamber of Deputies and the Government also serves as a control mechanism. It provides information on individual cases and the costs incurred.

The Arbitrator and his deputy are in charge of the Financial Arbitrator’s Office, which is responsible for various organisational, professional and technical activities. It thus serves as a kind of back-up for the performance of the work of the arbitrator himself.

Who can act as arbitrator?

Only a person of full legal capacity and good character with a good reputation and sufficient experience may become an arbitrator or his representative. This person must have a Master’s degree in law and at least five years’ experience in the financial market or in the protection of consumer interests in the financial market.

A person shall be considered to be of good repute in this case if he or she has not been convicted by a court of law of a deliberate criminal offence, an offence against property, an economic offence or an offence committed in connection with the financing of terrorism.

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Tip: Criminal integrity means different things in different situations. It will be perceived differently if you are planning to apply for a trade license and differently if you are applying for a position as a financial arbitrator. Read on to find out how it is viewed in each case.

The Financial Arbitrator and his deputy cannot hold a number of other public offices (e.g., he cannot be a Member of Parliament or a judge). They may not engage in self-employment (with exceptions such as property management, artistic or scientific activities).

What can a financial arbitrator help you with?

A financial arbitrator is competent to decide disputes involving:

Payment services

Disputes arising from the use of payment instruments such as bank accounts, credit cards, online payments, and money transfers.


Tip na článek

Tip: Learn how to make a payment abroad and how to strontize it if necessary.

Electronic money when issued or exchanged

Disputes relating to the issue and use of electronic money, for example on electronic wallets or prepaid cards.

Example: a consumer complains that they have not been correctly credited with electronic money after topping up their prepaid card or e-wallet.

Consumer credit

Disputes between consumers and credit providers that may involve loans, mortgages, leases, or credit cards.

Example: a consumer disagrees with the interest calculation on their loan or complains about unclear repayment terms.

Collective investment

Disputes when investing in funds that collect money from the public, such as mutual or investment funds.

Example: an investor disagrees with the amount of fund management fees or has a dispute over improper settlement of an investment.

Life insurance

Disputes regarding life insurance contracts, which may involve the validity of the contract, the amount of the policy or cancellation.

Example: a consumer believes that a life insurance contract has been entered into on the basis of misleading information, or an insurer refuses to pay a claim.

Tip na článek

Tip: What to do if the insurance company refuses to pay the insurance claim is discussed in detail in our article.

Currency exchange shops

Disputes when exchanging money between different currencies, both in exchange offices and online.


Building Savings

Disputes arising in the context of building societies involving savings contracts, building society loans and their terms and conditions.

Example: a dispute over the termination of a building society contract and the amount of money to be paid to the borrower.

Investment services

Disputes between investors and providers of investment services such as brokers or securities dealers.

Example: an investor claims that a trader incorrectly executed an order to buy or sell securities, resulting in a loss.

Savings accounts

Disputes regarding the maintenance of savings accounts, interest rates, fees, and other terms.

Example: a consumer disagrees with the amount of fees charged for maintaining a savings account or complains about improperly credited interest.

Time deposits

Disputes over time deposits that involve payout terms, interest rates, or early withdrawals.

Example: a consumer wants to end a time deposit early, but the bank charges high fees or refuses to pay the deposit.

Action and representation in court

Want to sue and not sure if you’ll win? We will assess your chances of success in court and propose a solution that will lead to the desired outcome.

Supplementary pension insurance with state contribution

Disputes about supplementary insurance that includes state support and problems with the payment of contributions or the terms of the contract.

Example: a consumer complains that they have not received the expected amount of state contribution or disagrees with the terms and conditions of withdrawal.

Supplementary pension savings

Disputes about pension savings that are not linked to state support but are used to save for old age.

Example: the consumer disagrees with the length of the contract or has a problem with the early termination of the savings.

Pan-European personal pension product

Disputes relating to a contract for a pan-European personal pension product that allows saving for old age within the EU.

Example: Dispute over early termination of the contract and the terms and conditions of payment of savings.

Dynamic currency exchanges:

Disputes arising from the exchange of currencies with dynamic exchange rates, where the exchange rate may change during the transaction.


When an arbitrator will not help you

In certain cases, a financial arbitrator cannot make a decision. Therefore, they cannot help you if:

  • The dispute does not fall within the scope of the financial arbitrator’s jurisdiction: the financial arbitrator has a limited scope and can only resolve disputes in the specific areas of financial services listed above. Therefore, it cannot help you, for example, in the case of a dispute between two businesses.
Tip na článek

Tip: If you are a business in dispute with another business, then filing a lawsuit may help. But you will only succeed in court if the lawsuit is bulletproof. An available attorney will conduct a careful analysis of the case and take care of preparing a pre-suit notice, a lawsuit, an appeal or straight representation in court where they will vigorously enforce your rights.

  • The dispute has already been decided by a court or is currently pending before a court: The arbitrator has no power to intervene in cases that are already within the jurisdiction of the courts. So if you want to use the services of a financial arbitrator, skip the court.
  • The dispute has been decided in arbitration: as with court proceedings, it is not possible to use the arbitration procedure and at the same time file a petition before a financial arbitrator.
  • The dispute has already been decided by the financial arbitrator: You cannot file the same motion again. If you disagree with the decision, there are other ways to resolve the situation, which we discuss in the following sections.

If you want to go to the Financial Arbitrator, you must send him or her a request to initiate proceedings. This can be sent by post (preferably by registered post to make sure it has actually arrived), by email with an electronic signature or by using a data box. You can also submit your application in person, on the record, directly to the Financial Arbitrator’s office. The proposal must not include:

  • Identification of the parties to the proceedings: the application must clearly identify all parties to the proceedings, i.e. you as the claimant (consumer) and the financial institution (e.g. bank or insurance company).
  • Evidence that the institution has been unsuccessfully asked to remedy the dispute: You must include evidence (e.g. letter, email) that you have unsuccessfully approached the financial institution to resolve the dispute (e.g. a rejected claim).
  • A full and clear statement of the relevant facts: The application must contain a detailed and clear statement of all the facts relevant to the resolution of the dispute. It must therefore describe what the dispute is, what preceded it and how you have tried to resolve it.
Tip na článek

Tip: You can also use the official templates, which can be found on the Financial Arbitrator’s website.

  • Evidence or identification of evidence: all available evidence (e.g. documents, witness statements, expert reports) must be attached to the application. If the evidence is not available to you, then you must identify it (name, date of creation, holder, etc.).
  • Indicate what you are claiming: It is important to clearly state what specific claims or relief you are seeking as a result of the arbitration (e.g., refund, elimination of fees, damages).
  • Statement: You must also state that you have not filed a lawsuit in court or arbitration on the same matter and that you have not entered into an out-of-court settlement agreement with the financial institution. You must also state that you understand that the award is binding.
  • Date and signature: The request must include the date of filing and your signature attesting to the truth of the information provided and the request for arbitration.

Proceedings before a financial arbitrator

Both the application for a proceeding before a financial arbitrator and the proceeding itself are free of charge. Furthermore, you are not required to have legal representation, but it is certainly worthwhile. A lawyer can handle the evidence and the grounds for the application with skill.

If there are any deficiencies in your submission, the financial arbitrator will ask you to remedy them. You have 15 days to do this (which can be extended again at your request). If everything in your proposal is in order, the arbitrator will invite the financial situation you are challenging to comment on the matter and to submit relevant documents (e.g. terms and conditions). This is also subject to a 15-day time limit with the possibility of repeated extensions.

Once the financial arbitrator has obtained all the necessary supporting documents, he or she will invite both parties to the dispute to examine all the supporting documents. This may be done by consulting the file or by requesting the documents collected to be sent to him.

The main objective of the procedure is to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute. The outcome of the proceedings is the award, which will be delivered to you in your own hands. The award shall contain the operative part, the statement of reasons and a statement of objections.

You and the other party may lodge reasoned objections to the award. These are then again decided by the financial arbitrator. Once the objections have been decided, the whole dispute is closed and the decision becomes final. This decision has the same effect as a court decision.

Tip na článek

Tip: Similarly, arbitration – an out-of-court method of resolving disputes through independent and impartial arbitrators – works in a similar way. You can learn more about it in our article.

If the arbitrator grants your request, the financial institution must comply with the obligations set out in the award within a specified time limit or as soon as the award becomes final. At the same time, the arbitrator will impose a penalty on the financial institution equivalent to 10% of the total amount the financial institution must pay you. This must always be a minimum of CZK 15 000, even if there is no obligation to pay any amount (e.g. compensation).

The length of the overall procedure depends on the complexity of the case and the cooperation of both parties to the dispute. However, the arbitrator shall decide without undue delay. The fixed period of 90 days then starts as soon as the arbitrator has collected all the necessary documents.

How do I defend myself against an arbitrator’s decision?

The arbitrator’s decision does not have to be final. You can file a lawsuit against the arbitrator’s decision in a general court. At the same time, you can also ask the court to postpone the entry into force and enforceability of the decision. The parties to the court proceedings will be you and the financial institution with which you have settled the dispute with the arbitrator.

The court may re-examine all the evidence and decide the case itself, replacing the decision of the financial arbitrator. You can appeal against the court’s decision in the traditional way, or you can also appeal.

Tip na článek

Tip: Has the court ruled against you and do you want to defend yourself? We will assess your chances of success and take care of preparing an appeal or appeal depending on the proceedings and the stage they are at.

Advantages of going to a financial arbitrator

A financial arbitrator brings with it a number of advantages, not only compared to a traditional lawsuit and court proceedings. These advantages include:

  • Lower cost: You pay nothing to go to an arbitrator, even if you lose the dispute. The only cost is the assistance of a lawyer.
  • Speed and efficiency: Court proceedings tend to be long and expensive, which is disadvantageous to both sides of the dispute. A financial arbitrator offers a faster and less formal environment for resolving disputes, reducing the overall time and financial burden.
  • Specialism: A financial arbitrator is an expert in financial law and financial services, which allows for a comprehensive and informed assessment of financial disputes.
  • strengthening trust in financial markets: Having a dispute resolution mechanism that is credible and efficient contributes to trust in financial markets and increases transparency and accountability of financial institutions.
  • Preserving alternative solutions: If you choose to go to a financial arbitrator, you do not give up the possibility of subsequently resolving the dispute in a general court. On the contrary, this is not the case and once the court has ruled on the dispute, you can no longer turn to the arbitrator.


A financial arbitrator is a body independent of the courts whose role is to decide on disputes relating to credit, investments, insurance and other financial services. It was set up in 2003 in response to EU requirements to ensure effective out-of-court dispute resolution in the financial market.

Unlike courts, a financial arbitrator can only rule at the request of a consumer and in areas defined by law, which covers a wide range of financial transactions from payment services to investment products.

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Author of the article

JUDr. Ondřej Preuss, Ph.D.

Ondřej is the attorney who came up with the idea of providing legal services online. He's been earning his living through legal services for more than 10 years. He especially likes to help clients who may have given up hope in solving their legal issues at work, for example with real estate transfers or copyright licenses.

  • Law, Ph.D, Pf UK in Prague
  • Law, L’université Nancy-II, Nancy
  • Law, Master’s degree (Mgr.), Pf UK in Prague
  • International Territorial Studies (Bc.), FSV UK in Prague

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