Workplace bullying: how to recognise it and how to defend against it

Workplace bullying takes many forms: ridicule, humiliating and meaningless tasks, or sexual harassment. It can occur between colleagues themselves and from a supervisor. It can have serious effects not only on the victim but also on the whole work group and the atmosphere within it. Find out what forms of workplace bullying exist, how to recognise them and how you can defend yourself against them.

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What is bullying?

Workplace bullying includes any behaviour that is intended to intimidate, humiliate or harm an employee. In any case, it is a disrespectful behaviour with a wide range of manifestations. It can be psychological bullying, verbal attacks or even physical harassment, all of which are manifestations of what is known as bullying. Bullying involves repeated inappropriate and unreasonable behaviour towards an individual with the aim of intimidating, insulting and humiliating them. In front of other colleagues, clients or even customers.

Bullying can be perpetrated not only between colleagues as workplace mobbing, but also by supervisors(bossing). According to the Occupational Safety Research Institute, in 2021, the labour inspection authorities received a total of 257 complaints alleging unequal treatment and discrimination. The same source states that around 16% of all workers face bullying at work.

Tip: Learn how to defend yourself against discrimination in the workplace.

How to recognize workplace bullying?

Workplace bullying comes in many forms. However, it should not be confused with unpleasant behaviour that is simply unfair, such as disciplinary action, dismissal or a change of job role.

Workplace bullying most often manifests itself in the following ways:

  • Repeated taunting and ridicule involving comments and attacks on appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or education.
  • Targeted gossip and false information about you in order to harm the person.
  • Sexual harassment, whether in the form of inappropriate comments, propositions, or even physical touching.
  • Isolation from other workers, exclusion from the team and being prevented from cooperating and meeting with them, or being ignored by management.
  • Assigning impossible tasks, making working conditions difficult (for example, withholding important information) so that a task cannot be performed, deliberately changing working hours to interfere with your personal affairs, etc.
  • Jumping in and interrupting when speaking to prevent you from making a point.
  • Threatening you and your loved oneswith all forms of physical and psychological violence.

We will also represent you in cases of bullying

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How to defend yourself against workplace bullying

First and foremost , keep a record of all incidents of bullying, including dates, times and descriptions of each incident. You can also talk to a colleague or supervisor you trust. As is well known, more heads know and a shared concern is less of a concern. A number of companies also have a corporate ombudsman position within the HR department that you can turn to in case of interpersonal problems. It is his or her duty to investigate the situation and take measures to prevent a recurrence.

TIP: If you are not sure if you have been bullied, write down each situation in which you felt uncomfortable. Always write down all the details, including the date and time. This will give you a clear picture of the specific behaviour, from which you can already deduce whether it is actually bullying.

Types of bullying at work: Are you a victim or a witness?

Workplace bullying takes many forms. It can therefore be divided into several subgroups:

Psychological workplace bullying

Have you been repeatedly insulted by a colleague or boss? Have you experienced unpleasant insults, humiliation, excessive criticism or isolation from the team? Then you have been a victim of psychological bullying at work. Its aim is to undermine the victim’s mental health. Constant ignoring, insulting or making working conditions difficult can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety, loss of self-esteem and confidence, or even depression.

Verbal bullying

The term verbal bullying itself suggests that this type of oppression is manifested by verbal attacks, name-calling, insults or the deliberate spreading of rumours. Verbal bullying in the workplace often takes place deliberately in front of other colleagues. The effects on the psyche in this case can also be alarming. So if you’ve been listening to talk for weeks that you’re uncomfortable with, isn’t based in truth, is stressing you out and creating a long-term sense of anxiety, you can address it.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment includes any inappropriate innuendo, touching, propositioning or forcing the victim to touch the aggressor. In this case, the victim is also forced to endure these attacks under threat of losing their job or being excluded from the team, etc.

Workplace bullying among colleagues or mobbing

Low self-esteem, a feeling of being threatened and an unwillingness to accept competition create tensions in the workplace that can escalate into fights between employees. A hostile environment is created and one colleague may, for example, be excluded from the team, others may belittle his work or sabotage his work tasks. But in addition to gossip and sabotage of work, physical violence can also occur between employees themselves. The aim is often to get the person to leave the company.

According to research,mobbing or workplace bullying among colleagues is growing proportionately with aggression and unrest in society. It is also worth noting that we all have a duty to report. So if you stand idly by and watch one of your colleagues being bullied, it may well not be just a guilty conscience that catches up with you.

Workplace bullying by a supervisor or bossing

Bossing involves abuses of power, such as constant control, deliberately assigning impossible tasks or undeservedly lowering your salary. Bossing tends to be very destructive, as supervisors are the ones who can influence career advancement and working conditions. However, a supervisor must never exceed his or her authority as defined by the Labour Code and other relevant documents

When is workplace bullying a criminal offence?

In some cases, workplace bullying can cross the line and even become a criminal offence. The Czech Criminal Code penalises acts that are capable of causing injury to the health or dignity of an employee. Criminal offences related to bullying may include physical violence, dangerous threats, blackmail,stalking or abusive verbal attacks aimed at psychologically harming the victim.

Employers have a duty to ensure equal treatment and protection from discrimination and bullying. The Anti-Discrimination Act, in turn, prohibits any form of discrimination, including workplace bullying. And under the Criminal Code, bullying can be classified as dangerous persecution or oppression.

If you have been a victim of bullying at work, you can file a criminal complaint. The law enforcement authorities are then obliged to investigate. The police will gather evidence to support your allegations, whether it is witness statements, medical reports or electronic communications. You may also want to consult a lawyer about your situation first.

TIP: Remember that employers have a duty to provide a safe working environment for all their employees. If you feel that you have been a victim of workplace bullying in any form, contact an available advocate. This is because even minor cases can be handled under employment law.

Who can I contact?

If your situation does not improve, seek legal advice. In addition, you can also contact the labour inspectorate, which monitors compliance with labour law and can inspect your workplace.

In conclusion, workplace bullying is a serious problem that none of us should ignore. Each case is always assessed on an individual basis. If you are a victim of bullying (at least 1 situation per week for 6 months), do not hesitate to seek help and consult a lawyer about your situation. If you witness bullying, take action and report the incident while there is still time.

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Author of the article

JUDr. Ondřej Preuss, Ph.D.

Ondřej is the attorney who came up with the idea of providing legal services online. He's been earning his living through legal services for more than 10 years. He especially likes to help clients who may have given up hope in solving their legal issues at work, for example with real estate transfers or copyright licenses.

  • Law, Ph.D, Pf UK in Prague
  • Law, L’université Nancy-II, Nancy
  • Law, Master’s degree (Mgr.), Pf UK in Prague
  • International Territorial Studies (Bc.), FSV UK in Prague

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