We come across questions about maternity leave quite often. We’ve selected the five most common topics you’re interested in and prepared answers to save you time in the future.
We come across questions about maternity leave quite often. We’ve selected the five most common topics you’re interested in and prepared answers to save you time in the future.
Maternity leave is paid by the Czech Social Security Administration. The application for maternity leave is made on a form issued to you by your attending gy naecologist. He or she will also fill in Part A of the form with the expected date of delivery, which will determine the possible start of your maternity leave. You then fill in the required information in Part B.
You can then hand the form to your employer, who will forward it to the relevant district social security office. the self-employed person can apply for maternity leave at the relevant district social security office, both in person and electronically.
The application for the benefit is submitted on the prescribed form Application for Maternity Allowance. However, do not look for a template on the internet. The form is only available in printed form at the district social security office.
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You are entitled to 70% of the reduced daily assessment base per calendar day while caring for your baby. The daily reference amount is calculated as the sum of your gross income divided by the number of calendar days (usually calculated on the last 12 months’ income, taking into account excluded days such as sickness etc.). As with ordinary sickness benefit, income is then reduced using three reduction thresholds.
In 2025, we will see an increase in maternity pay as the reduction thresholds and the length of maternity leave will increase as follows:
The amount of maternity leave can then be influenced provided you are able to influence your income. In theory, you can apply for a higher salary before or during pregnancy or take another well-paid job that you have avoided for some reason. In reality, however, it is probably not so easy to purposefully influence the salary and consequently the amount of maternity pay, and it is more likely to stay with the theory.
Tip: We have discussed the calculation of maternity leave in detail in a separate article.
The start of your maternity leave is based on your doctor’s date of birth. You can go on maternity leave six to eight weeks before this date. It is then up to you to start your maternity leave within this period.
The length of maternity leave has remained unchanged for years, so in 2025 it is still 28 weeks for the birth of one child. Only mothers of two or more children can have their maternity leave extended. In this case, maternity leave is 37 weeks. In order to determine the date on which maternity leave ends, it is therefore sufficient to add the relevant number of weeks to the date on which maternity leave begins.
Should the child be born prematurely, before the official legal start date, maternity leave will start at that point. When you start maternity leave, the so-called “support period” begins, during which you are also entitled to cash assistance.
Because of the frequent confusion between maternity and parental leave, we also see questions about ‘three years’ maternity leave’ and ‘four years’ maternity leave’. In this case, however, it may be exclusively parental leave following maternity leave. It is indeed possible to choose the length of time you stay at home with your child, either one, two, three or four years.
After a certain period, the child’s father can take maternity leave. The child’s father can take over care and receive maternity allowance from the beginning of the seventh week after the birth if he concludes a written agreement with the child’s mother to take over care. However, this is not to be confused with so-called paternity leave, which is a statutory entitlement to leave for fathers after the birth of their child.
Parental leave is an important period of time that serves to deepen the care of the child. The employee is entitled to take it until the child is 3 years old. We’ve written up all the essentials about parental leave in our separate article.
Maternity leave (as opposed to parental leave) is treated as work for the purposes of leave entitlement. If you are employed before taking leave, your maternity leave counts towards your days worked and you are also entitled to ordinary leave. This can be taken before you start parental leave if you plan to do so.
You must ask for it yourself as a prerequisite. You do not need to find a special template to apply for it. You just need to comply with a few requirements. The application must be in writing and addressed to your employer and must include the date, place and your signature.
The application must be made before you start your ordinary leave, i.e. no later than the date your maternity leave ends. In this case, your employer must comply with your request. However, if you do not apply in time, you will not lose your leave, but you cannot determine when it will be taken.
Tip: If you are interested in the possibility of earning extra money while on maternity leave, we recommend our article on this topic.
Maternity leave is covered by sickness insurance benefits. However, its payment is not compulsory for self-employed. However, any entrepreneur can volunteer to pay sickness insurance.
Entrepreneurial mothers are entitled to maternity pay if they have paid sickness insurance for at least 270 days (nine months) in the two years prior to taking maternity leave, including at least 180 days (six months) in the last year. This length of payment is intended to prevent the expectant mother from paying sick pay on purpose only when she finds out she is pregnant. She may do so, of course, because of concerns about common illness, but even then she will not be entitled to sick pay until three months after the payments have begun.
A female entrepreneur who satisfies the above condition for sick pay payments can draw cash assistance, like an employee, from the eighth week (and no later than the sixth week) before the due date of childbirth. Here too, the entitlement to payment is 28 weeks (or 37 weeks in the case of more than one child).
Maternity leave and maternity pay are key topics for expectant parents and self-employed workers. You may be thinking about what will be different and how much your financial situation will change after giving birth. But fortunately, everything can be calculated in advance so that nothing surprises you. Being well informed and getting the formalities sorted out in good time will help to ensure a worry-free passage through this important period.
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