Summer and temporary jobs: what about the contract

During the summer there are plenty of summer jobs and interesting earnings available. Is it possible to negotiate a contract of employment (CBA) or a contract of employment (CBA) for such a relationship? How does it work and what are the pitfalls? Find out in this article.

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Chapters of the article

Temporary employment on the FTE

Previously, a work performance agreement could only be used to perform a one-off task. If it was a regular or long-term job, it was stated that a work performance agreement could not be negotiated. However, this is no longer the case. You can now negotiate a work performance agreement even if you perform the same activity for your employer repeatedly – for example, guiding visitors around a castle or chateau. The only restriction is that you cannot work more than 300 hours per calendar year for one employer under this type of agreement. After that, another type of contract must be negotiated – for example, an employment agreement.

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If you earn up to 10,500, you don’t pay health and social security

The biggest advantage of a work performance agreement is that if you earn less than 25% of your salary (CZK 10,500) per month, you will not be charged health or social insurance. However, if you have several concurrent DPPs, you will only pay social and health insurance if you earn more than 40% of your average wage (CZK 17,500).

Tip: You can read more about social security and health insurance in our articles.

Working hours depend on agreement

If you don’t agree anything else in the work agreement, it will always be up to both parties to agree when you work and when you take time off (only some restrictions apply, for example on the length of working hours). However, if you agree to a clause whereby you agree to come to work, for example, every weekday, then this arrangement will of course apply.

In addition, you may also be entitled to paid holiday. You are entitled to holiday when you have worked at least four times your weekly working time, which for a FTE is 20 hours per week. The second condition is that the agreement must last at least 4 weeks. This also applies to agreements that are directly linked to each other.

Tip: Wondering what your employer’s obligations to you are? What criteria must your working conditions meet, what do you have to be paid for, and what about holidays? And conversely, what rights does your employer have against you? The answer to these questions can be found in our article on: Employer’s rights and obligations towards the employee.

Pitfall: early termination of the agreement

The law also does not specify how the agreement can be terminated early. Particularly if you “commit” your employer in your contract to perform work for a certain period of time or to a certain extent, it would be a good idea to negotiate a procedure in case you or your employer later decide to go your own way. For example, agree that your agreement to perform the work can be terminated with a notice period you specify, even without giving a reason. If there is no agreed method of terminating the agreement, it can be terminated by giving 15 days’ notice. If your employer dismisses you, a notice period of 15 days to 2 months starts, depending on the total duration of the employment relationship.

Tip: Did you get fired from your job? We’ll make sure you get everything you’re entitled to in the event of termination. We can help you defend yourself against your employer. We will offer a solution in as little as two days, nationwide.

Negotiate your remuneration as part of the deal

You shouldn’t forget about your remuneration arrangements. It’s in your interest to havethe amount of the remuneration set out in the agreement so that you don’t have any unpleasant surprises later. Minimum wage rules also apply to performance agreements: your employer must not pay you less than CZK 112.50 per hour.

Temporary employment

This contract differs from a performance contract in that it is not limited to 300 hours per year. Instead, you are allowed to work up to half of your normal weekly working hours on average for the duration of the contract, which is a maximum of 52 weeks. This means that the employee can work a maximum of 20 hours per week on average. Although he may work more hours some weeks and less others, the overall average should not exceed this limit.

In addition, unlike a performance agreement, it usually entails participation in social and health insurance, as it is compulsory to pay it already when the remuneration exceeds CZK 3,999. However, as far as other conditions are concerned, it does not differ much from a VPA. Even with a VPA, there is a minimum wage, holiday entitlement and a notice period.

Tip: Read more about the performance agreement in our next article.

Brigade and teenagers

Summer jobs are most often for students who are on summer holidays and want to earn a little extra money. But how does it work if you are under 18?

Restrictions on dangerous work

Work given to young people must be age-appropriate, safe and not harmful to them. It is forbidden for them to carry out activities with a higher risk of injury or that could lead to occupational diseases. Furthermore, they cannot handle heavy loads and some specific jobs are completely prohibited, such as working in mining, with explosives, on electrical equipment or working at heights above 1.5 metres. There are exceptions, however, where minors may carry out such work as part of their training for a future profession during their secondary education or apprenticeship, but only under constant professional supervision.

Limited working hours

There are specific conditions for minors as regards the length and type of working time. They cannot be put on night shifts or overtime, except as part of their training for a future profession, when they may work a maximum of one hour per night.

They shall be entitled to a break of at least 30 minutesafter four and a half hours’ work . In addition, they are entitled to uninterrupted rest, which must be at least 48 hours per week.

Tip: Few of us can work for eight hours without a break. And it shouldn’t be the goal. It’s a good idea to take some time off for the sake of work performance. Last but not least, the law requires it. Find out what the minimum requirements for breaks at work are.

Prohibition of working with alcohol

Young people are prohibited from working with alcohol. This applies, for example, to the typical student job of manning a stall at a swimming pool where, among other things, beer is sold. It is a common myth that minors are also forbidden to work with money. Although minors can handle money, the employer cannot require them to take material responsibility. If there is a shortfall in the cash register, they are not obliged to make up the shortfall.

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Author of the article

JUDr. Ondřej Preuss, Ph.D.

Ondřej is the attorney who came up with the idea of providing legal services online. He's been earning his living through legal services for more than 10 years. He especially likes to help clients who may have given up hope in solving their legal issues at work, for example with real estate transfers or copyright licenses.

  • Law, Ph.D, Pf UK in Prague
  • Law, L’université Nancy-II, Nancy
  • Law, Master’s degree (Mgr.), Pf UK in Prague
  • International Territorial Studies (Bc.), FSV UK in Prague

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