Mentions in the media

They wrote about us elsewhere, or how the Dostupný advokát helps people.

Czech TV: Babiš to become Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

The Affordable Advocate was part of Studio CT24 to talk about the appointment of Andrej Babiš as Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and the appointment of the new government.

Watch the Czech Television report

Economist: pre-emption is back. But it complicates the sale of apartments with parking spaces

After four years, pre-emption has returned to the legal system. If you are selling a property with several co-owners, for example, you must offer your part of the property to them in priority.

View the full article on Legal Advisor Boss had to pay for cancelled vacation for whole family

Having paid for your holiday and packed your bags doesn't mean you'll actually get on the plane and fly. Your employer can cancel your properly reported and approved leave. Under what conditions and what are you entitled to?

Read the article on You may never see your lawyer

The news server presents the project Available Advocate. It highlights accessibility - both in terms of price and the possibility of solving all matters online from home or even from the office.

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iDNES: He made a fool of me on the internet, how can I defend myself?

Someone writes on the internet that you are a thief, a child abuser or have syphilis. Is that slander? How do I defend myself in situations like this?

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Czech Television: transfer of an apartment to personal ownership

The transfer of a cooperative apartment to private ownership can be a problem. Some cooperatives resist such a procedure and will not allow the transfer of the apartment. There is a significant difference in the two forms of property ownership.

Watch the Czech Television report

Okolobytu: How do I call a meeting or a membership meeting?

The assembly or membership meeting needs to be called by formal invitation exactly according to the bylaws. In addition to the place, time and agenda, it must also include the background to the individual proposals, or at least information on where the background is available for inspection.

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Czech Television (Events)

Class actions - there is currently no such institute in the Czech legal system, but this could change. How would it help people?

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TV Barrandov: Donating real estate to relatives

Many people gift their property to their children or grandchildren with the expectation that they will live out their lives in the house or apartment. But there are not a few cases where this practice has backfired. Relatives suddenly lost interest and tried to evict them, perhaps to a retirement home.

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