Mentions in the media

They wrote about us elsewhere, or how the Dostupný advokát helps people. Constitutional judges’ opinion on EET is a raised finger

The Constitutional Court annulled some passages of the Electronic Sales Records Act.

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E15: Even a government without confidence can get a lot of things through

President Zeman has appointed a new government headed by Andrej Babiš. It has 30 days, like any other, to gain the confidence of the House of Commons.

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iDNES: He didn’t get any thanks for the donated house, so he asked for compensation

Can you take back a gift you give to someone? And we don't mean candy, but land or property. The law also provides for the revocation of a gift agreement. Perhaps because of the ungratefulness of the donee.

Read the article on Czechs are no longer afraid to sue and want more money

Czechs are increasingly turning to the courts to enforce their rights. They are demanding ever greater compensation, according to the Právo daily and news server

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Czech Television (Events): How to defend your testimony

You can defend your termination. But it has precise steps that the employee must follow.

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iDNES: Why set up a private data box?

Data boxes are not only for companies and entrepreneurs, anyone can set them up. And then conveniently communicate with the authorities via the Internet. However, beware of the rules that ownership of a data box entails.

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iDNES: I have to go. How can I quit my job quickly and efficiently?

The agreement is the simplest means of terminating the employment relationship. However, beware of the term "termination by agreement".

Read the article on How to find hidden defects in real estate?

"We are experiencing a boom in the real estate market and the number of property transfers is swelling like porridge from a fairy tale mug. Often, however, someone finds themselves in this "porridge", so to speak.

View the full article on Don’t you live in Prague? Doesn’t matter. We can arrange a parking card for blue zones for you, offers a company from Cyprus

"Simply put, someone would have to go to the trouble of proving the false and purposeful claims made by the owners of such cards. And that would be very difficult," says attorney Ondřej Preuss.

Read the full article on Aktuálně.cz

iDNES: When does your boss have to reimburse you for travel to work and to see a client?

Travel allowances are, of course, always due to the employee for a business trip.
But travel expenses are also due if you are travelling within the place of work (e.g. the Czech Republic) but leave your regular place of work.

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